========================================= Getting what you really want, part Seven. ========================================= Written by Nicolus Tails ========================================= I opened my door that Sunday Morning and stared out at the sky. I always knew it was a Sunday because I got a fat paper and no mail. But what wasn't a joke was the headline. "Chicago Murder leaves 1 dead, 24 injured" It blared at me every time I looked over. That "1" was Aron. He had been out of town on a business trip to Chicago, walked into a fast food restraunt to eat, and some nut walked in and started shooting up the place. Aron was the closest to him, sitting right by the door, and he was shot severely. I shut the door and walked back into my bedroom. Tim was still asleep, and I was careful to be quiet as I got dressed, and walked in the kitchen. "John Whyter has been taken into custody for the brutal shooting in a local Burger King in Downtown Chicago late last night. 24 people were injured, and a Denver man were killed in the incident. Most of the 24 were treated for minor injuries and released, a few are in critical condition." "What's that?" Tim asked. I looked up, and he was standing in the hallway by the kitchen. I didn't say anything. I got up for more coffee, and let him look at the paper. He sounded as shocked as I was. "Oh shit..." he trailed off. I just sat down and thought about him. We hadn't gotten along with him in the past couple of weeks, none of our "gang" had. I thought about the first time though. I remembered: Aron walked into the classroom. I was still talking with my friend, the professor when he came in. At a good 5ft 9in, short compared to most of the people in the class, but he was well built. Blond, short hair, looking good. "Who is that?" I asked Jon. Jon was the professer. "Aron. Why?" "What do you know about him?" "Good student. That's as far as I take things in here. Had a girlfriend for a while, I think. Some lady from another school. They broke up shortly after school started." "Why?" "Don't know," he said. I was helping Jon in all my spare time, he had enough to do on his own. He was married for a second time, and his first wife had a kid from him, and was pregnant with another, and wanted alimony payments from Jon for it, even though it wasn't his kid. But she never remarried, and her boyfriend, who she started with while her and Jon were married, ran out on her, and she needed the money badly. Add all that on top of a class of 39, and that with the fact he wasn't there a lot (trips to his lawyer), really made things difficult. I often subbed for his class when he wasn't there, and that's how I really got to know some of the kids in his class. That's how I got to know Aron. Sometime in August I was in for Jon, and I called Aron up. "Yeah?" he said, letting me know he didn't enjoy my company. "I need papers from you, where are they?" "I didn't get to them, ok?" I was stuck. "Well, what do you want me to do?" I asked him. "Don't do anything." He turned around, and went back to his seat. It was at that moment I first realized that I couldn't make a move on him. Although I wouldn't admit it till later on, I was physically attracted to him. He hung around cheerleaders a lot, so I didn't suspect that he was Gay like I was. Things didn't change much, untill I made the poor choice of letting my personal feelings rule my actions. That's when I kidnapped him, and went to my house. Don't ask me why that changed his feelings towards me, I was surprised. The next morning things were different. That's when Will came over to me. "Aron told me what went on last night," he said, or something like that. We went through the conversation that I'm sure you've heard before, and a little later on, I caught Aron out on the campus. "ARON!" I called over. He came over. "What?" "Now I don't get this. You invited me to a party instead of calling the police. What is going on?" I asked him. "Nothing." "Don't give me that shit, Aron." "Nothing is going on." He walked away, and I was sure that he was planning something. I didn't know what. But the party happened that night, and I just decided that Aron was a man of few words. At that time, anyhow. Someone knocked on my door. It took me a second to come back to reality. Tim was reading the article for the fifth time know, my coffee was cold, as was the house, and everything was silent. I answered the door. Justin was standing there. "Have you heard about Aron?" he asked. I indicated the paper Tim was reading, and Justin came in. He sat down depressed. "When is the funeral?" Tim asked. I just shrugged. It suddenly occured to me that I hadn't said anything since I got up. Justin was just about to cry. "This really hit you, didn't it?" I asked him. "Aron and I have...had known each other since the second grade. We didn't exactly LIKE each other that long, but we knew each other. It wasn't until High School that we got to know each other." He was beginning to sound a little better. Sometimes talking about people do that. We went into the living room and he continued. "We went running around with each other all through school. I remember this one time, we ended up driving out of state just to see how far we could get in an hour, and ended up running out of gas. (He smiled.) Since it was dark, and at least an hour's walk to the next town, and my parents knew I was staying at his house, and his parents were on vacation, we just decided to stay the night in the car. "I kept watching him, and just the light coming from outside was beautiful. He was just lying there, watching me, exactly the same thing that I was doing to him. All of a sudden, he leaned over and kissed me. At first I was in shock, but I started realizing we were both Gay. "I had considered that fact all the way from 7th grade, but when you're that young, you just think "That's disgusting" or something, exactly what all your friends think. But I just felt like that was how I was. I didn't bother arguing it, I didn't think it would just "go away" or something, but I never really did anything about it. I guess Aron knew how he was, maybe that's why he was around me so much, maybe he knew how I was before I did. "We spent that whole night just being relaxed with each other. We didn't exactly do anything, we kissed a little, but for the most part, just held each other. I don't think we ever went to sleep." Justin was beginning to break apart again. I never knew about him and Aron, and I had never given it any thought. I never really knew what happened. I remembered in the classroom, before my first adventure with Aron: "Don't try to talk to him. He's impossible to deal with," he told me. "Why?" Justin paused. "He thinks he's perfect. I heard him telling someone else that he's the most popular person in the entire class." Justin was still sitting on my couch. I asked him, "Justin, how come you broke up with Aron." "Well, we never really broke up, he just started hanging around with the wrong people, and got hard to deal with. He never really recovered from that." But whatever he had to "recover" from, he did a pretty good job. Every one of us, Tim, Justin, Shawn, Steve, and myself, and even Jon were at his funeral. I introduced Shawn and Jon to Aron's parents, they were the only ones that they didn't know. I had met them one time in the classroom. His parents didn't know about myself and Aron, or "Justin and Aron", or anything like that, but they didn't have to. Justin did. I did. Aron did. That was enough. As I was walking to the car, Justin stopped and looked at the ground where Aron was put. "I still love you, Aron," he whispered. I put my hand on Justin's shoulder, and we walked back to the car. I knew that whatever Aron had done, hadn't really destroyed anything. ============================================================================= Watch for Getting8.txt, coming soon to a BBS near you. >>>Nick Tails